Child's Full Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Home Address(Required)
Parent/Guardian #1's Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian #2's Name(Required)
Parents' Marital Status(Required)
Name of Emergency Contact #1 (Must live within a 45 Mile Radius of Sioux Falls):
Name of Emergency Contact #2 (Must live within 45 mile radius of Sioux Falls)(Required)
Child's Physician(Required)
Child's Dentist(Required)
What type of message do you want to send?
Max. file size: 10 MB.
To ensure the South Dakota Department of Health is aligning with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Omnibus Rule, a School Official must obtain parent, guardian or legal representative agreement before accessing a student's immunization record in the South Dakota Immunization Information System (SDIS). No student record shall be accessed by a School Representative in the SDIS without parent, guardian or legal representative agreement.
I give permission to Sioux Falls First Learning Center Center at 6300 W 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57106, access to the above child's immunization record in the South Dakota Immunization Information System.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
In lieu of written consent, verbal consent was obtained from:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please mark the desired classroom placement for your child below. Official classroom placements are made according to availability and are not always guaranteed. Half Day Class Times AM: 8:30-11:14 PM: 12:30-3:15
Please mark the desired classroom placement for your child below. Official classroom placements are made according to availability and are not always guaranteed. Half Day Class Times AM: 8:30-11:14 PM: 12:30-3:15
*All children must be completely potty trained to attend preschool class offerings* Half Day Class Times AM: 8:30-11:14 PM: 12:30-3:15
Please mark the desired classroom placement for your child below. Official classroom placements are made according to availability and are not always guaranteed. Half Day Class Times AM: 8:30-11:14 PM: 12:30-3:15
*A registration form for Summer Blast and each new School Year must be completed when registration opens in order to reserve a spot. We do not automatically enroll students in these programs from year-to-year*